Canoeing, Stora Masungsträsket
Price for group size 2-4 pers. Additional +20€/pers. Max 7 pers.
Service Description
Canoeing in the beautiful Stora Masungsträsket in Dalsbruk, Kimitoön. At half way we will have an rest and a coffee break on some of the nice islands. Location: Dalsbruk, Kimitoön (Finland) When: May - October Price includes: A nice and professional canoe guide, equipment, coffee+ snacks Price: 170€ (incl. VAT), additional persons +20€/pers, kids under 12 +10€/pers What to bring: Comfortable outdoor clothes according with the weather. Sun protection. For who: For everyone Languages: English, Swedish, Finnish Note! All activities you are doing at your own risk, and you have to make sure you having the right insurance for your activity
Contact Details
00358 400600711
Kimito, Kimito island municipality, Finland