Guided tours & Activities
Below you find description and prices of some of the activities and guided tours we have to offer. We are also happy to offer you custom made activities for your request, both for private person and groups Rental product pricing you find under RENTAL, where we have the kayaks and outdoor gears.
Note! The booking button doesnt work, for bookings or questions please contact us HERE or at: contact@nordicactivities.fi or directly here +358 400600711
3 hr 30 min
65 euros7 hr
110 eurosPrice is for 1pers/1 night. For multiple nights ask for offer
26 hr
180 eurosMinimi 2 pers, price per person
3 hr 30 min
75 euros3 hr
140 eurosPrice for 2 pers. Following person+30€/pers. For groups ask for offer
3 hr
170 eurosPrice for 1-2 pers. Add. person+30€/pers. For groups ask for offer
3 hr 30 min
200 eurosPerfect for families. Price for 1-5 pers. Following persons+20€/pers.
3 hr
175 eurosExplore the most beautiful trails and paths on Kimitoön & surroundings
4 hr 30 min
190 eurosPrice for group size 2-4 pers. Additional +20€/pers. Max 7 pers.
3 hr
170 eurosRandonee tours for private pers and groups in Scandinavia Nor/Swe/Fin
Groups 360€/dayBoth beginner lessons and for advanced snowboarders
Starting from 60€The perfect present! Give away an unforgettable adventure
99 hr
On request